Home Functions Relations

Linear Functions and Quadratic Functions

TI-84 Graphing Calculator

Relations and Functions Calculators

Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka
I greet you this day,
Please solve the questions on your own before checking your answers with the calculators.
I wrote the codes for some of the calculators using JavaScript, a client-side scripting language.
The Wolfram Alpha widgets (many thanks to the developers) were used for some calculators.
Comments, ideas, areas of improvement, questions, and constructive criticisms are welcome. You may contact me.
If you are my student, please do not contact me here. Contact me via the school's system.
Thank you for visiting.

Samuel Dominic Chukwuemeka (Samdom For Peace) B.Eng., A.A.T, M.Ed., M.S

Calculators for Functions

Calculators for Linear Functions and Quadratic Functions

Linear Functions

Given: Slope and a Point that passes through the origin $(0, 0)$

Where: Slope is an integer

To Find: Slope-Intercept Form, Intercepts, Standard Form

(, )

$x + $

$x + $ $y = $

(, )

(, )

Given: Slope and a Point that passes through the origin $(0, 0)$

Where: Slope is a fraction

To Find: Slope-Intercept Form, Intercepts, Standard Form

(, )

$x + $

$x + $ $y = $

(, )

(, )

Given: Slope and a Point $(x_1, y_1)$

Where: The Slope and the co-ordinates of the Point are integers

To Find: Slope-Intercept Form, Intercepts, Standard Form

Please NOTE:

(1.) If any of the answers is a decimal, and you want to convert it to a fraction, please use the calculator in this tab that converts decimals into simplified fractions.
Just copy the entire decimal (without the sign) as is and paste in that calculator.
Then, you can include the sign if it is a negative sign.

(, )

$x + $

$x + $ $y = $

(, )

(, )

Given: Two Points: $(x_1, y_1)$ and $(x_2, y_2)$

Where: The coordinates of the Points are integers

To Find: Slope, Intercepts, Slope-Intercept Form, Standard Form, Point-Slope Form

Please NOTE:

(1.) If none of the $x-coordinates$ of the points is zero, please put the lesser value of $x$ as the $x-coordinate$ of Point $1$ along with it's matching $y-coordinate$ (not necessarily the lesser $y-coordinate$).
(2.) If any of the answers is a decimal, and you want to convert it to a fraction, please use the calculator in this tab that converts decimals into simplified fractions.
Just copy the entire decimal (without the sign) as is and paste in that calculator.
Then, you can include the sign if it is a negative sign.
(3.) If there are any decimals in the Slope-Intercept Form, then the Standard Form will not be correct.
What do you need to do?
Please convert the decimals into simplified fractions.
Then use the appropriate forms in this tab to convert the Slope-Intercept Form to Standard Form

(, )

(, )

$x + $

$x + $ $y = $

(, )

(, )

Point-Slope Form:
$=$ ($x - $ )
$=$ ($x - $ )

Decimal to Fraction

  • Given: A decimal (positive decimals only)
    To Convert: to a simplified fraction
  • $=$

Given: Slope-Intercept Form

Where: Only the slope is a fraction

To Convert to: Standard Form

$x + $

$x + $ $y = $

Given: Slope-Intercept Form

Where: Only the y-intercept is a fraction

To Convert to: Standard Form

$x + $

$x + $ $y = $

Given: Slope-Intercept Form

Where: The slope and the y-intercept are fractions


Where: Both fractions have the same denominator

To Convert to: Standard Form

$x + $

$x + $ $y = $

Given: Slope-Intercept Form

Where: The slope and the y-intercept are fractions


Where: Both fractions do not have the same denominator

To Convert to: Standard Form

$x + $

$x + $ $y = $

Quadratic Functions

Please NOTE:

(1.) If any of the answers is a decimal, and you want to convert it to a fraction, please use the calculator in this tab that converts decimals into simplified fractions.
Just copy the entire decimal (without the sign) as is and paste in that calculator.
Then, you can include the sign if it is a negative sign.

Decimal to Fraction

  • Given: A decimal (positive decimals only)
    To Convert: to a simplified fraction
  • $=$

Given: Table of Some Values for a Quadratic Function (Integers and/or Decimals only)

To Determine: The Quadratic Function and other details

$x$ $y$

$x^2 + $ $x + $

The function has a value

(, )
Based on the Vertex, this means that:

(, ) and (, )

(, )


If you did not enter any value before clicking the Calculate button (initially):
(1.) By default, the blank textboox has a value of $0$ (not visible) when the other corresponding value was calculated.
(2.) Please enter a value for either the $x$ or the $y$
(3.) Click the Calculate button to see the corresponding other value.


and ,

Given: Table of Some Values for a Quadratic Function (Integers and/or Decimals only)

To Determine: The Quadratic Function and Other Values

(1.) First: Type each $x$ value and the corresponding $y$ value for three points.
(2.) Second: Type each $x-value$ on a new line. No commas. No spaces. No period. No extra line(s).
(3.) Third: Drag the textarea for the $x$ column by the bottom right corner to enter and see all the $x-values$
(4.) Fourth: Click the Calculate button to see the corresponding $y$ values as well as the quadratic function.
(5.) Fifth: Drag the textarea for the $y$ column by the bottom right corner to see all the $y-values$

$x$ $y$

$x^2 + $ $x + $

  • $x$
  • $y$

Given: A Quadratic Function

To Determine: Table of Values and other details

(1.) First: Type the coefficients and the constant of the Quadratic Function.
(2.) Second: Type each $x-value$ on a new line. No commas. No spaces. No period. No extra line(s).
(3.) Third: Drag the textarea for the $x$ column by the bottom right corner to enter and see all the $x-values$
(4.) Fourth: Click the Calculate button to see the corresponding $y$ values as well as the quadratic function.
(5.) Fifth: Drag the textarea for the $y$ column by the bottom right corner to see all the $y-values$

$x^2 + $ $x + $

  • $x$
  • $y$

The function has a value

(, )
Based on the Vertex, this means that:

(, ) and (, )

(, )

Given: A Quadratic Function in Standard Form

To Determine: The Quadratic Function in Vertex Form and other details

$x^2 + $ $x + $

The function has a value

($x -$ )$^2 +$

(, )
Based on the Vertex, this means that:

(, ) and (, )

(, )

TI-84 Graphing Calculator

Make a Table of Values, Graph and Trace Functions Using the TI-84 Calculator

This calculator will:
(1.) Form a Table of Values.
(2.) Graph equations/functions.
(3.) Trace functions.
(4.) Displays the Table of Values and the Graph in the same window.

To use the calculator, please:
(1.) Visit the link: TI-84 Calculator
(2.) Click the "Graphing" folder.
(3.) Click the link of "whatever you want to do".
(4.) Follow the directions as illustrated by the "blinking light".